♫♪  Billy The Kid X 2-Tone Malone - 2 THA BONE

You, walking down an aisle you’ve passed multiple times, holding onto a cart with bloody, bared knuckles and a resiliently gripped force, begin to feel something for the first time since coming aboard. Later, while chain smoking with your fucking stablemates, all your collective fumes ripping upwards towards an unattainable sky, you begin to finally hear something. Order. Sense.

Then, back to normal.

Pain is intensified by longevity. The world unwittingly revolves while spiders get spit on. Gross misuse of conduct. Leaves and coral trampled upon, all the same. Chimneys puffing stacks of tarnished age. Soiled sheets and dumb forethought. Network dynasty.

It all unfolds before your eyes, 2 THA BONE.

• Billy The Kid: https://soundcloud.com/williamdthe3rd
• 2-Tone Malone: cant find shit on him… NEED HELP!!!

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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