♫♪  F ingers - “Awkwardly Blissing Out”

Choose wisely for proper instruction manual on proper operating procedure. Wrong choice results in wrong manual. Some language in manual may be inappropriate. The information may be misleading.

After that first ass-kicking, we didn’t expect this. You snuck back in. We let you. Don’t be wrong again. Certain local restrictions and regulations may be misleading. The owner placed certain signs in the club. Don’t take them too literally. Might be a trap or phrased a certain way to “throw you off the scent.” Trick questions on punch ballots. Useless circles to mark the inside of with your thumbprint. Photo ID cards doled out by the dozens with your stats and your likeness. Ink that never dries. Never trust our boss. He likes to have fun.

After that second ass-kicking, we thought you’d finally wise up and choose the right one. We were wrong. You were wrong. It was classic, and it was fun to toss you out by your shoulders, headfirst, and to watch you belly flop and skip across the asphalt as we clapped the dust off our hands.

“Awkwardly Blissing Out” is off Blackest Ever Black’s cassette compilation, released to mark last week’s Five Wretched Years of Blackest Ever Black event in London.

• F ingers: https://www.facebook.com/F-ingers-1595472817387782/timeline
• Blackest Ever Black: http://blackesteverblack.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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