♫♪  Félicia Atkinson - Spoken Word (une chanson parlée) Press Release

“The press preview for the exhibition by Félicia Atkinson, Spoken Word (une chanson parlée), is scheduled for Friday, 31 of March, at 11:30am. The official opening will be at 6:30pm.”

On March 31, at 6:30pm, I will be on a plane on the way to come and see you.

“She’s a woman; she’s thirty-five; she’s an artist; she’s a musician; she’s a publisher, too. She’s Félicia Atkinson. For La Criée she’s created Spoken Word. Refrain: it’s an exhibition; it’s a landscape you never get to; it’s a sound work, desert island you can stroll about in; it’s a silent film, hiding unheard, of music; it’s a series of sculptures you can activate to no end; it’s a game for two with no rules; it’s a phrase of distorting mirrors.”

Spoken Word (une chanson parlée) will be up from April 1 to May 28 at La Criée Centre d’Art Contemporain.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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