♫♪  Grasps_ - “CLIQUE”

Teased over and over again and it seems like it’s never coming - they’re never coming, rather. The orgasm is evasive, on the tip of the tongue like the prized object of stimulation, yet the exhilaration of the approach is enough reward; who’s to complain? Circumstances change, though, and a climax is suddenly achieved to the aversion of no one involved.

“CLIQUE” awards brief hints of that peak pleasure’s existence over and over again to sustain the majority of the track’s runtime. 808s stab at the low-end with urgency as trailings of a warped synth circulate forbiddingly before receding into nothingness.

But that nothingness eventually reveals itself as a transition.

Quintessential house keys that laid deep in the mix are isolated and the illusive euphoria arrives. In a moment’s notice, the 808s enter a halftime slow-down and all heightened tension is released into thunderous, vibrating bliss.

They light a cigarette and inhale.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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