♫♪  Henry Krinkle & Katrina Stonehart - Henry + Katrina

Henry + Katrina is a collection of songs made by Henry Krinkle and Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk’s Drew Gibson as Katrina Stonehart. The music was recorded directly into a karaoke machine inside of a blanket fort constructed in the middle of an early 1900s ballroom. I imagine myself standing outside of the walls of the fort, under the grandiose ceiling of that ballroom, and what that must have sounded like filtered through the fibers of those blankets, and then enhanced by the natural reverb of a place like that. Ambient music always lends itself well to the location for which it is performed, and Henry + Katrina might be one of the most unique stories I’ve heard regarding the origin of a piece of locational electronics.

Henry + Katrina was originally released on Gibson’s Teen River label in 2011 and is now being given a reissue on L.A.’s Hi Shadow. You can check out on excerpt from the cassette below:

• Katrina Stonehart: http://katrinastonehart.bandcamp.com
• Teen River: http://teenriver.tumblr.com
• Hi Shadow: http://hishadow.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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