♫♪  Lil Trav & Ceno - 1500 DEGREEZ

You know we love us some Mobb, and their latest is, of course, a surprise drop:

Curiously, though, 1500 DEGREEZ loses the Sicko brand, instead opting for Lil Trav & Ceno. I’m thinking that the name change is a sweeping reassignment of #Saiyanmusic’s purpose. If the slick video for the Silentó-featuring “Emoji” told us anything, it’s that Sicko Mobb are straight-up pining for that pop breakout moment – for the internet underground, for the streets, there’s Lil Trav and Ceno, still keepin’ rifles with lasers, smokin’ kush OG, poppin’ flats, drinkin’ Remy, etc. Something like that.

And, yeah, 1500 DEGREEZ is damn good! Right on the cusp of pure act, skee-ing into eternity. Listen below:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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