♫♪  Mohammad - “Sagaraki”

Did you hear the one about the fake dentist, filling in the air? Using sawdust on strings.

Almost wiped the curtain off; almost revealed the beast behind the friction. They escalated the tension, the volume, and resistance.

Still, every sound outside of “Sagaraki” seems more intense and impatient. In this case, like acupuncture steering into pain, the ritual of melancholy friction amplifies the violence of impatience until it fizzles into a radionic infant. The client’s inner machine moves with Mohammad, unlike the rush of muted waiting room whispers, deaf to the Mohammad’s tempo. To be served, the client must listen to Mohammad through the door. The client must silence digestion. Once they lockjaw the client, the client takes a closer look; closer. Off the hinges, the door falls down.

• Mohammad: http://mohammad.gr
• Antifrost: http://www.antifrost.gr

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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