♫♪  Partisan - Music for Cyborgs

In the midst of their debut US tour, Partisan (a.k.a. Hypersport Ltd., Pe† Ceme†ery) Partisan surprise-dropped a four-song digital EP Music for Cyborgs which, in their words, is “supposed to sound actually like music for posthumans btw - people whose daily existence is inhuman but not robotic.” Instead Partisan composes a symphony of cold mechanical crunches and compressions to replace the heart, pumping bleak melodies where blood once flowed. “Forged” especially, with the programmed ring of a blacksmith’s hammer, chisels out the cavernous, magma-lit workplace full of self-functioning works of man to a haunting degree of reality. The postbiological craftsman of Music for Cyborgs is done with the tour now, but we can prep our inferior ears for the Borg with its stream below.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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