♫♪  P_SH - “02”

No hate on Squiggle Dot, because their inception game is fucking FIRE, but it’s SO hard for me to fuck with music when the description reads “Hailing from…” It’s 100% a pet-peeve of mine (especially as someone who writes one to six posts in a given day, and two reviews and maybe a transcriber interview within a month), and I’ll get over it once I hear the Moscow, Russia sound-collage champ, P_SH’s track “02” for the hundredth time. Numbers! But legit, “02” is exactly the type of music I can listen to on repeat for an hour or two, which works all too well with P_SH’s music, so I’m dying to hear more. And you can too via the new dynasty Squiggle Dot is sculpting in music, fronting Focus Pocus by P_SH (which was amazingly recorded in 2007) this September 29. Feel “02” below:

• P_SH: https://soundcloud.com/p_sh
• Squiggle Dot: https://squiggledot.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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