♫♪  Quelle Chris - Ghost at the Finish Line

When it comes to Quelle Chris, I’m admittedly late to the party, just as I was with his Crown Nation counterpart Denmark Vassey.

“How late?” you ask.

So late that I only just recently listened to his 2011 masterpiece Shotgun & Sleek Rifle; so late that the only reason I’d tuned into Niggas Is Men was to hear something new from Brooklyn MC Cavalier; so late that I only really knew the homie Quelle’s name from its ongoing association with Roc Marciano and Danny Brown; so late I might as well disguise myself as a ghost. [Editor’s Note: *PAUSE*].

Wait, my inner editor informs me I already did that post. [Editor’s Note: *DOUBLE PAUSE*].

Well sorr-y, guy, but I can’t help it if I currently feel like a real-life Ghost at the Finish Line, having finally completed my “Halloween Hangover” Chocolate Grinder mix at 2 AM this morning. You can catch the unholy spirit by listening to that tomorrow, but in the meantime in-between time, check out this “[unlucky] 13 track, uniquely real look at art and life, and the realities and illusions that blur the two.”

• Qulle Chris: http://quellechris.bandcamp.com
• Mello Music Group: http://www.mellomusicgroup.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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