♫♪  Rob Magill - Music For Your Playful Mind, Vol​.​ 4 & 5

The manic man —Rob Magill— with a pen and paper, a bellowed box and squealing wind, and a vision and dream is BACK! And he’s completed the five-volume collection Music For Your Playful Mind, marking the completion this month with Volumes 4 and 5. Both beautifully writhing in a variety of sounds and lyrics.

Music For Your Playful Mind Vol.4 is very somber in fluidity, built upon minimal licks of saxaphone, paired with fragile baselines, sociopathic sampling, steady drumming, and lingering guitar minuets, occasionally backed by Magill’s voice. Actually, the same goes for Music For Your Playful Mind Vol.5, but I get the feeling Vol.5 is much more playful and scattered, as Vol.4 seems to be more of a collection of three ideas. Though, dear listener, do not worry, as both are equally whimsical and serendipitous in their individual rights, so have an ear peek at what Rob Magill has been spending his time on! And don’t forget to get the Music For Your Playful Mind 5-disct set at Weird Cry Records ASAP:

• Rob Magill: https://rob-magill.bandcamp.com
&bull Weird Cry Records: https://weirdcry.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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