♫♪  tech noir -

It’s not impossible to transport yourself dimensionally. Shit, apparently that Tool lead singer dude did it all the time by accessing a brain secretion through meditation. But it was probably bullshit, because Tool never took me as far as tech noir tries to take me. is 16 hours. Maybe it’s samples. Maybe it’s synths. Though unarguably poised in a mindset that works on a portalled plane by taking listeners into the abyss of neo-future realities. Y’all could be sitting there at work and the environment around your desk becomes gridded with wires and mechanical arms tossing papers on your desk friendlier than your boss. Take a stroll around the city or country-side and find an immersion of neon advertisements adorning the skyline as future capitalism sees no limits, literally, and start to interact. Become part of a mental mystery in how all this go there from where and how got branded into your skin.

There’s a sin within tech noir that is substantial to the technique of lighting used within “noir” genre storytelling that casts itself upon the mood in which each listeners begins with in . And I guarantee after 16 hours, something inside you will shift, and compliment, and evolve:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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