♫♪  Tom Djll - “Complex Juice”

WEEKEND SPECIAL — Free rides on the carousel. Enough people inquired at Customs, so they just gave up the fight and gave in. So, when you pick up your bag, if you discover a NOTICE OF BAGGAGE INSPECTION, you may have a chance to take the ride.

Haven’t you always wondered just where your bag goes when it goes away? Now’s your chance. Airline tickets can be purchased through a variety of online travel companies, or directly through the airline of your choice. Just show up, check your bag (or bags), and get on board. Remember to leave enough time for the check-in process. There are several steps I’ve failed to mention. Then, arrive at your destination, and find your bag; inside, you may find the golden ticket! You may hear the beck and call of the calliope. You may finally learn the secret, may enter the sanctum. And, as always, check and double-check to make sure you grabbed the right bag. Everyone must get their “just deserts.”

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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