♫♪  Tomás Tello - “Winter Worm - Summer Grass Concert”

Tello’s zills dull and succumb to bronze disease, giving room for an honorary house dog to bark at the worm before it becomes verdigris. Tello silences the canine, without command. Canine laps the clover stems from a pan flute tube. Tello redirects the focus and suffocates a bird call, using a trigger happy thumb’s-down prop to push the cassette’s plastic pause button, while a mild guitar gets digested inside one effect.

Without stepping on one another’s toes, giving one another plenty of space while waiting in the queue, each source gives way to another, and to another, and to another, during this spacious concert. Every source is lightly processed, like an egg poached in tap water and vinegar simmering in a pan with harshly burnt edges. Occasionally, levels of hiss and steam (from room, tape or pedal) rise.

A slow caravan of Pharaoh’s serpents curls out of the host and into the dig-dug tunnels. Tibetans scramble to find the roe and morsels of the Pharaoh’s intumescent ash in the wild green harvest. Winter worm - it’s a gas.

• Andesground Records: https://soundcloud.com/andesgroundlabel

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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