♫♪  Voicehandler - “Meager Labyrinth”

“With such solidity is this huge mass constructed, that the lapse of ages has been totally unable to destroy it, seconded as it has been by the people of Heracleopolites, who have marvellously ravaged a work which they have always held in abhorrence.” -Pliny (the Elder.); The Natural History of Pliny

“From such scanty remains it is hard to settle anything” -W.M. Flinders Petrie; The Labyrinth Gerzeh and Mazghuneh

Maneuver the ruins of the labyrinth - rustling swiss leaves; scooting across ash tray sand. Nothing will be remembered, because no one was there, or, if they were, they were distracted. No difference between left and right, from column to column. This equality, or confusion, may incite panic in some. In others, racing thoughts slow down to a crawl, like a baby, smooth as a steamroller. All one has to do is follow along with the machine through its repetition, deviation, and confusion. In this labyrinth, there is less distraction and hedge, allowing sunlight to blare. The concrete seems harsher and the traffic louder. The intersections are cluttered. The traffic lights are blinding. Rainfall has nowhere to go. It sits in puddles. From puddle to puddle: empty space—wide lanes. Squinting, those who panic, panic more, between puddles, as they turn a new corner, and another corner, identical corners.

• Voicehandler: http://www.heule.us/voicehandler
• Humbler Records: https://humbler.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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