♫♪  Chocolate Grinder Mix 80 - Six-Inch Cold Cut Combo

When I made this Choco Mix, I was thinking about experiencing seasons out of order, wintry songs sustaining their climates in summer, season-less nethersongs, peely stickers on overheating synths, corpse-cold hot licks, sweating through multiple layers, tempo changes as scalding water, hot-flash nostalgia, lukewarm desire, fans in concert halls, air conditioner hum, heating pipe clang, billowing dry ice, chicken soup spilled on tile…

Then I got hungry and upset and walked to Subway.

Stream below, and subscribe to our podcast here.

[00:00] James Ferraro - “Dove”
[03:35] ™CENTURY - “HD Window”
[06:15] Blanche Blanche Blanche - “I Circle Near”
[08:22] Synek - “Oddech” [excerpt]
[09:03] Miaux - “Stare”
[12:15] Jace Clayton - “Gay Guerilla: Part IV”
[15:15] él-g - “Grand Huit”
[18:15] Dean Blunt - “Y3”
[19:46] Stefano Pilia - “Stand Behind the Men Behind the Wire”
[23:01] David Newlyn - “Piano Piece”
[24:30] The Masque - “Mirror Secrets”

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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