♫♪  Ak’chamel - Transmissions from Boshqa

Receiving illness is a winter tradition. Being the giver of illness — the consideration of willfully spreading evil particles — is entirely the objective of Ak’chamel, only via sound. Now, take for example Transmissions from Boshqa (the Uzbek word for “other”), and find a whole new form of esoteric ailment. It’s like your favorite cutesy acoustic lo-fi set getting fried by strings from the far east just vibrating a searing that sets the mind on fire, but on the outside: your just smiling like everything is fine and napalm-feels aren’t ripping through your psyche like acid is lacquering all nods in your head. Only this is coming from a variety of influences, hacked into the pirate radio waves still encircling the earth with fear and static, penetrating language and gender, mutation… to the core. Directly through and shattering every chakra of humankind. Etc.

If this sounds like the dark night you’re willing to adventure within, dear traveler, then quest on over to Artetetra. Tune into Transmissions from Boshqa by Ak’chamel. Snag it on the reel too because “[they] decided to compile two different track lists for the digital and the tape version of the album. The tape version comes with short-wave radio noises between the tracks.”

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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