♫♪  Angel Dust Dealers - “One Armed Scissor”

Out today on Noumenal Loom reigns a new dynasty of Angel Dust Dealers with the release, Beverly Kills. Hot of the heels from the BEER ON THE RUN CD-r, ROMANTIC COLLECTION, Angel Dust Dealers be slanging some more OST tunage on the sythnetics that’s akin to Carpenter, Umberto, or Goblin. And just in time for holiday season, because “One Armed Scissor” is that murder music. Scales in the key of STAB. Rythms like a slow slice from ear to ear. Effects that sliver like shards in ear canals that penetrate straight down to the core. Angel Dust Dealers aren’t paying any attention to you. They’re stalking you. From the woods. Ready to get their cut on. “One Armed Scissor” in hand. Noumenal Loom slinking just behind. Recording every bit of blood:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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