♫♪  City - Simulation Mix

Apothecary Compositions isn’t ready to wrap up the summer yet. The idea that releases from Magic Fades & Soul Ipsum, Bangkok Snobiety, and a Druid Cloak translation album was not good enough for the label head Joseph Morris. AC got wind that August is a pretty weak month (sorry August, get your shit together) and decided to drop a six-part mixtape that slays. In that vein, we’re given a six-part mixtape created by City. It’s out this Friday, August 28 on Apothecary Compositions, and if you act now you can get the pro duplicated white cassette with steel blue ink imprint, pro printed 2 sided j-card in clear Norelco case, and the full early download for a discounted $5 in the pre-order. The mix is fucking incredible. Grab it ASAP, oe at the very least stream it below.

• Apothecary Compositions: http://www.apothecary-compositions.com
• Apothecary Compositions: https://apothecarycompositions.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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