♫♪  Ill Winds / Swanox - “Vision” / “Bank Of The Orient”

Here we go again with that double-posting of Not Not Fun. Please, hold your applause until the last sound is heard.

First up is Ill Winds — an Australian trio currently residing in Berlin, Germany — who were picked up on tape through a suggestion by Olle of Moon Wheel. Following the same bizarre-of-bazaar vibe as Not Not Fun typically fronts, “Vision” is another glimmering gem on the discography, adding a preemptively paranoid and post-tense goth kick-step to the NNF linage. So tilt your head acute, lace up them combat boots, and slick back every hair you got: tonight’s a good night to stretch your black mesh fingerless gloves in honor of the long ride ahead:

Soon after Not Not Fun released Swanox’s Dawnrunner CS, I immediately found out they’re nowhere on the internet. Last year, Bezoar Formations popped off Tess CS, and peed just a little after gripping it anda Rangers CSx2 in the mail. Upon receiving news about Swanox’s debut LP Dayrunner, I cricked a smile in light of the title leading me to believe it’s sort of a equal, or follow up quest to the first tape. And Swanox has a subtle humor about them that dates back to the Dawnrunner j-card art too, which I love. Not to mention the samples and wildly blown sax above a dark-ish track tone in “Bank Of The Orient” being wildly exhaustive. Interwoven material in high plans of being:

Both releases out mid-December. Keep on that shop scan!

• Ill Winds: https://soundcloud.com/illwinds
• Not Not Fun: http://www.notnotfun.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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