♫♪  Jay Curry - “W_O”

Similar to E+E, Jay Curry is cookin’ up a vat of maximalism, and you’d be surprised if Bootleg Tapes DIDN’T pick up his brand of smooth jazz gone rythm & blues. Just look at the intensity of that SoundCloud shape-wave below. And if that ain’t visual enough for you, scope that album art. The green and hush blue tones. Scattered, but never-the-less linear. That hazy Sunday morning (afternoon?) vibe. It’s all the perfect package for Jay Curry’s style.

Here in “W_O,” the West Coast transbeatist Jay Curry layers multiple levels vocals and lush instrumentals that swirl within 2 minutes and 22 seconds of pure nirvana. And it’s like the rythm (sampled) section makes the lyrics way less harsh. Weird. AMAZING. Also, this ain’t the first time Jay strayed away from his previous lite-jazz flavor of beat-slamming: the fellah been producing big deals with A$AP Rocky & A$ton Matthews on “What You Need too.”

Jay Curry’s S/L cassette is out on Bootleg Tapes this FRIDAY! Scope “W_O” below in the meantime:

• Jay Curry: https://soundcloud.com/JAYCURRY
• Bootleg Tapes: https://bootlegtapes.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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