♫♪  Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) - Ballad Remixes

Lemme be real here: I’m not really looking forward to MORE coverage of the latest Quantum Natives musician Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ). However, that’s the point of making an EP dedicated to remixing his last album, entitling the six-tracks Ballad Remixes. And it’s a HUGELY respectful aspect I find admirable about Quantum Natives. They pimp their artist AGAIN, but yeah, in a different sounding way. But they also pimp OTHER artists doing remixes. Then it’s potentially an opportunity for one or all these artists to get their name out there and on to other labels OR straight up get on Quantum Natives. Though — in comparison to my personal ethics — I deeply appreciate how the organizational aspects of having a “remix EP” not only perpetuates PR without it appearing like a scheme sales technique, but it also reaches into a variety of honeypots that gets a good stick for those who need it on the way out.

Either-way, RESPECT Quantum Natives for the hustle. RESPECT to Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ) for allowing/sacrificing his tracks to be remixed by others. And RESPECT to making it a MediaFire download, below:

Find Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ)’s Ballad Remixes for download RIGHT HERE via Quantum Natives in .rar compressed format!!!!!!

• Sifaka Kong (a.k.a. o . o துஈசிதிசி திஇல்டூ): https://soundcloud.com/sifakalaka
• Quantum Natives: http://quantumnatives.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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