♫♪  Wash - Wash

Well fuck. At one point, I felt like accepting rock/pop music made me old, so I’d focus HARD on the more avant and experimental. However, mentally I cannot fuck with just the outsider shit anymore. People like Rob babe-fade Magill help me ease into more normative music while he puts out some WEIRDO releases too. And it’s a good thing he’s such a schmoozer, because he sent Wash my way for their debut, self-titled album Wash, and if it takes me a second to receive and appreciate the music, I can still definitely appreciate good titles, which they not only front, but keep to in lyrical content.

Wash is pretty lax in their music and atmosphere. As well, their vibe for summer feels is really warming me up to their music AND the upcoming season. Shit, even some of these instrumentals, like “Petrified Garden,” really go illy on the chilly. Oh, damn. They got a banjo too. Wash is pretty much like Swans-lite. And I really dislike Swans-heavy, so this is perfect. Maybe more like Angels of Light, but with more chorus-verse. As well, I can fuck with bands that are all dudes, but aren’t totally all about masculinity and bravado.

Get yourself a Wash below, and snag a tape or CD while your at it to beef up the collection:

• Wash: http://washla.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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