♫♪  Jono Mi Lo - “End of Light #8”

Waiiiiit a minute, C. Didn’t you cover “End of Light #8” last April? Well, hell YES I did. But just this year, you can experience THE ENTIRE DARKNESS via Pitt pals at Hoko Sounds: End Of Light. And Ima personally tell you (because I’ve listened to End Of Light and a plethora of his other releases enough to know…) that Jono Mi Lo is one of the few sound explorers pushing the boundaries of psychedelia in music. This ain’t your mom’s candy-swirl psychedelic-type nonsense, either. This is progression of how music sounds to humans, brimming the line between reality and [is this happening?].

CUT TO: Cassie McQuater making a videogame in “reflection” of End Of Light. I’m not fucking on you. This is no clickbait drill. It’s a videogame soundtracked by Jono and it looks exactly like the video playable above. Seriously, I never use the phrase “seriously,” but halt all plans for this weekend. Put Jurassic World ON HOLD! End Of Light videogame is ready and willing for your thumb twiddling skills!

• Jono Mi Lo: http://jonomilo.flavors.me
• Cassie McQuater: http://www.cassiemcquater.com
• Hoko Sounds: http://www.hokosounds.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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