Attention Torrent Sites I’m On: Comcast Is Throttling All BitTorrent Traffic All the Time; Still Sorry About My Ratio, Though

A couple of weeks ago, TorrentFreak reported on a new plugin that compared the rate of a person’s torrent traffic to the rest of their online traffic. The developers of the plugin have released some cool, eye-catching charts and graphs using the data they collected.

The upswing of all that boring crap is that Comcast, the largest cable television company and second largest ISP, lied to the FCC a couple months back, claiming they only throttle “excessive” traffic “during periods of peak network congestion.” About a month later, Comcast claimed they would “slow traffic for those users who consume the most bandwidth” and not “slow traffic by certain types of applications.” As you might have guessed, the aforementioned boring charts prove otherwise, pretty much unequivocally

At least the jig is definitely up for Comcast, now that a handful of bloggers and other assorted nerds are through the looking glass. The keyboard is mightier than the almighty dollar! En garde, corporate America.

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