EMI Hires Google Exec to Head Up Digital Music on April Fool’s Day, Realize It Might Actually Be a Good Idea

Former Google Chief of Information Officer Douglas Merrill is trading Google's dress code (jeans, "witty saying" t-shirt, Converse) for EMI's (sup, Bill Blass?) and starting a new gig as head of EMI's digital music. In the past, EMI has been less associated with change and progress and more associated with releasing singles without telling its artists (TMT News), blaming profit nosedives on the nearest parking meter, and axing employees left and right.

But don't worry. It all makes perfect sense!

After a few pints at the Irish pub down the block (you know, the kind that doesn't have Guinness but allows people to blast Flogging Molly at all hours of the day), the boys from the office thought of a total screamer! The news of Merrill's hiring dropped on April 1, which many serious businesses with Real Suits forget is April Fool's Day. Of course, no one believed those cut-ups at EMI, and the whole office had quite a chuckle over the funny joke they had played on the rest of the industry. Hiring one of those hippies over at Google? The very idea! But Merrill stopped by to join the hilarity and slipped something into the CEO's tea, and whaddaya know? Dude got himself a job. For real.

Thanks to hallucinogenic drugs, it will be soooooo much easier to get the latest on EMI's new digital releases. Finally, I can effortlessly buy albums from Yellowcard and 30 Seconds to Mars on the internet.

But: Will Merrill help save the music industry?

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