♫♪  Diamond Terrifier - “Nails it for a Bottle of Pabst in a Dive Bar in Detroit called Jumbos!”

Just give the boy a beer! The video is dark, but you know there’re just unopened bottles and cans laying at Sam’s feet here. At the end of this set, he’s probably drier than the baron waste and needs a fresh one. Wait, what? No way is that an “On My Level,” sample he’s freaking to. Free jazz reigns. More free jazz should be made. It should be taught in schools. Sound sculpture and body reaction to musical art needs to be way more distributed in education. Especially to youth. And it’s almost as if Sam Hillmer (former music teach) is begging here for it to be embraced. But I don’t know shit. Y’all see Ad Hoc started? They probably know better than me. They know it all, probz-style. Free jazz anyone?

• Diamond Terrifier: http://diamondterrifier.tumblr.com
• Words + Dreams: http://www.wordsplusdrea.ms

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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