♫♪  Moon High - “All in a Line” / “Already There”

In July 2011, Moon High pleased folk-vibe-feeling audiences with Six Suns, which is the only album I own that my girlfriend gets up to spin. So, they’re a little bit sentimental in my life. On top of that, they remind me of autumn in Columbus, OH, where I went to university, and you know EVERYONE likes the fall. Oh, they also formed in Columbus, OH. And I’ve probably seen Moon High play live at STRICTLY the best spots: a dingy Columbus basement in low light, a venue where a tree trunk grew straight through the low-light center of the audience, and at a giant studio in Bushwick where rent was crazy low and lights were still… low. Or maybe my memory makes the lights low. Yo, and I think I made g-beats with them foot pedals that the flautist is taping on in the videos below!

Welp, I’m super jacked Moon High got involved with The Mug & Brush Sessions, who popped two new videos of their tracks “All in a Line” and “Already There” off their up-coming album Take it Down. The Mug & Brush Sessions is a collaboration between the Columbus Mug & Brush barbershop owner Jim Morris, audio engineer Keith Hanlon’s Scioto Music, and the video crew from FWD: Video & Social Branding. The intention of the series is to create an intimate take on national and local musicians in a vintage-type of environment. “All in a Line” features some smooth walking-drumming, slinking guitar strumming, and a refreshing turn of events toward the end of the song. “Already There” freshes some fine fluting, deep bass pedals and drumming, finite lyrics, and tender picks of the string. Watch them come to life below:

• Moon High: http://moonhighmusic.com
• Mug & Brush Productions: http://www.youtube.com/user/mugandbrushsessions

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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