♫♪  Sketching - Sketching

Like a well-lit discoball slowly spiraling in the middle of an empty dance floor, Sketching lingers in the most sentimental and endearing way. It’s all at once a memory you have from your youth, but it’s muddled between dreams, television, and actual reality; forgetting your jacket and coming back while the area is still lit, but empty. Music echos out through a few dark hallways sounding exactly how Sketching is recorded. You follow the sounds to some kid living in the basement of the school, he turned on the discoball lights, and left the door open for a smoke earlier, but forgot to lock up. He takes out a small black box and teaches you something dark that still sometimes inhibits your living.

That’s is the depth Sketching brings in the new self-titled album Sketching. There’s lots of surface area, like a jello mold, yeah? And the further you dive in, the stickier and thicker and darker it gets, and then you realize you’re just dreaming again about some pizza you order in the basement of your high school after-hours, both thinking of the excitement of risk and the depression of being AT school AFTER class. Thus, if it’s raining out, Sketching is super fitting. Or maybe just driving to nowhere at night. That works too.

Listen to Sketching below and expect more to come soon:

• Sketching: http://sketching.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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