♫♪  Alien D - One for My Goons

Sweat Equity CEO swapped out the Stress for a little Alien D. And this is One for My Goons. His Goons*** and MY Goons****, ma. Shit, I got a shit load of Goons. Goon is such an important signifier in the English language. I use Goon on a daily basis, including Goober and Goofball. So hearing the entirety of One for My Goons, and figuring that the swap out of Stress, is one of the most positive directions in artistry I’ve heard of in 2018.

Particularly “Rescue Me,” when I’m thinking of Goonin’ with my Goons, is what I can toss on repeat and get some work DONE. I think I listened to that track for an hour once doing work with my boss. It was intense, and she had no idea it was one singular three and a half minute track. Even One for My Goons entirely on repeat is an endless experience. It’s fluid. It’s cohesive. It’s a night out where you forget all your cares to the art of dance. Goon out, b:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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