♫♪  Buni Muni - Lil Nutz

Not exactly sure how to absorb Buni Muni other than simply. There’s nothing really more there than the face value. The lyrics aren’t something you gush to co-workers and friends. The instrumentals are pre-fab and not super-ultra. However, the personal attachment is where Buni Muni seems to explore an internal dazzle. Which is why Lil Nutz is totally Saved By The Bell to me. Like, as if the show were to start Buni Muni as Lil Nutz, and her shtick is to be much moodier than all the other gang members. And she’d totally be asexual, confusing everyone, and the principal Belding would spiral into a strange pocket of research every episode trying to figure it all out. That’s me. I’m principal Belding from Saved By The Bell listening to Lil Nutz by Buni Muni (a student at Bayside High School), trying to figure out all the nuances of world building in her lyrics. Heterosexism is fucking filthy:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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