♫♪  Coyote Image Classic - “Untitled” [excerpt]

Grant and Rachel Evans, owners of the most-perfect-name-for-what-the-band-sounds-like name (Quiet Evenings), have… well, they have a new name, Coyote Image Classic. Don’t worry, I don’t think “Quiet Evenings” is necessarily going away, and this excerpt from the duo’s new double cassette on their Hooker Vision imprint does carry a different flavor to their more familiar configuration. Here we have “twin meanderings” as they describe them, the two gracefully breaking shackles of synth to tackle new textures that come across incredibly humble and slight. I know that Grant has been experimenting with homemade records lately on his solo work as Crippling with completely bizarre results, and I can’t help but suspect some of that stuff enters here with these tones and their squishy compositions. This excerpt makes the unique approach seem fully functional and realized, a gorgeous accompaniment for the unassumingly beautiful melodies that sway right alongside.

• Hooker Vision: http://hookervision.blogspot.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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