♫♪  Funkss - Radon

TOMCREW! This label is four for four from full court. Run by Tokyo Hands, affiliate of Brighton label Donky Pitch and player of our Hopsctoch day party, the label has four releases over the past four years. The club is exclusive and you’re invited to stare longingly into a live stream of Myspace’s Tom accepting friend requests.

Jake Funke (it’s like he was destined) is the newest member of Tom’s crew and where Nangdo got hype, Funkss gets deep. A graduate of Red Bull Music Academy’s Bass Camp and self-described meme lover, the Raleigh-based terror brings us his heeeeavy debut EP Radon. A mix of whirls, clicks, and claps drown in a dark, dank tide. The bass is strong enough to end relationships. Play it in the club and watch as people become unsure of whether they should dance or get emotional alone in the corner. Radon excites and lifts. I couldn’t pick a track to single out so stream the entire EP below.

• Funkss: https://soundcloud.com/funkss
• TOMCREW: https://soundcloud.com/tomcrew-4-u

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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