Some bozo by the name of Willy Shakes or Billy Blanks or some friggin’ name once asked, “Name, huh? What’s that all about?”, and I guess Ill Sugi (a.k.a. ILL.SUGI or illsugi or ILL-SUGI or NASTY ILL BROTHER S.U.G.I or CedarbookMangly or Constable Peterson) couldn’t agree more. Okay, so I made up Constable Peterson, but the other names are real. Trust me.

Anyway, said Sugster has gifted the ears and other lesser senses we humans possess with his neck-cracking, soundly superb latest release, CROOKED BEATTAPE. If I know the Sugster, and I think I do, this collection is sure to have a few dozen alternative spellings and/or names, but I’ve settled on just refering to it as CROOKED BEATTAPE, mainly because that’s the only name/spelling I could find anywhere on the webzzz, but also because that’s what my gut’s telling me to do. My gut is also telling me to just call him Ill Sugi, ‘stead of the Sugster, because that’s a pretty dumb nickname, and he prolly wouldn’t like it too much. Stupid fuckin’ gut.

The enitre nod-inducing album is streaming below, but if you want to get all CAPTILISTIC and shit and fork up some chump change for the tracks, you can do that very thing here. Regardless of which route you choose, please dive in, headfirst. But just make sure when you do so that you’re wearing your arm floaties, because those things are not only helpful, they look fantastic, to boot.

• Ill Sugi: https://soundcloud.com/ill-sgimoto

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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