♫♪  ★moistbreezy☆ - …takeover

More than anything, I gotta take a fucking shower. But with all this catfishing these days… KING-OF-THE-IRON-GOON title just might be submerging into realms that I don’t give a shit, at this point. Or like getting PR e-mails about S U R V I V E doing the soundtrack to Stanger Things, and I’m thinking to myself, “Yeah, I want that, but the boss enrolled me in a workshop, and summercamp ain’t happening this summer.” Basically, I’m daring people to call me out on playing ★moistbreezy☆takover INTERNET EXPLORER radio show #45 at their place next. Shit, if you’re at my next party, expect to just dance, because why are you just, like… These couches are here to sleep on… We have toothbrushes if you plan on staying the night. Why do all the white, spoiled kids gotta have fun: friends are worth keeping, so pop ★moistbreezy☆ takover INTERNET EXPLORER radio show #45 on SPEAKER asap for climax. That’s it:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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