♫♪  Open Channel - RADAR

Open Channel, open space. Concrete, tarmac, the open road, the avenue, the runway. Ryan Boos and Adam Stolz, never together in the same room, never (barely?) in the same state, potentially in the same country, but can we really prove it? Oh, yes — we can, it turns out. GPS phone tracking. Let me put my considerable hacking skills to work.

Then should RADAR work? Doesn’t matter, because it does, a languid missive from the road, a transient communique from two like-minded beat doctors trying to fill every spare second they can with whatever trips through their imaginations. And their imagination settings are continually set to “Relax,” so there’s almost no chance you won’t be overcome with by the heady vapor of these four tunes.

RADAR speaks the language of the miles in between, all the while dreaming of Besaid Island in Final Fantasy X.

What? It often reminds me of Besaid’s theme music, but with Ryan Boos’s airy vocals.

I guess that is sort of a non sequitur.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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