♫♪  Various Artists - MENACE vol 1

It’s hard to be kind. It takes effort. But, it’s necessary for us humans. Kindness and respect are what build strong communities, and supporting each other is an immensely important part of this. I mean, just look at what MENACE is doing. I know the name seems at odds with this idea, but the label has gathered beat-makers from Europe to Japan — including chambry, miraa., Bugseed, Yagi, Arµ-2, and SNK∆ — and placed them on one nice, little ol’ compilation, helping support these artists individualy while also grouping their boom-bap drums, future synths, sampled piano rolls and guitar lines, and employment of dusty scratches together to make one strong entity, built to help you bob your head and relax your mind. Mighty kind of them, if I do so say myself.

vol 1 is just the beginning for the Paris based MENACE. With LPs from Jeremy Talon and Nasty Ill Brother Sugi coming soon, be ready to keep up and support.

• MENACE: https://soundcloud.com/menaceparis

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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