♫♪  Lily Taylor - “Taxi”

Video director Melissa Cha always gets the mood perfect for the music she’s helping visualize, and it’s no different when it comes to Lily Taylor’s “Taxi.” With the same linger of light reflected off water, or swirling smoke before standing up, Lily Taylor gentle glides a lightly keyed melody as distant, encroaching drums begin to outline curves with shade, and then it all beings to blend when her vocals unveil The Ride in this “Taxi.” And as these vocals being to layer, the reflection of video does the same, juxtaposing your thoughts on hearing and seeing, but so subtly, that it’s more engrossing than it is ponderous. Thus is most of Lily Taylor’s newest album The Ride on Pour le Corps Records. It’s devastating in a beautiful whisk. Something about the softness played out in long forms as she does, but keeping it collected to merely a few minutes creates a very heavy focus on “Why? But, oo— that’s pretty.”

Snag Lily Taylor’s The Ride on cassette via Pour le Corps Records, and enjoy the pleasant light she is portrayed by Melissa Cha in “Taxi,” below:

• Pour le Corps Records: http://www.pourlecorpsmusic.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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