♫♪  Auscultation - “Wave Rejection”

Okay, y’all know and love those strands of dance music with the immaculate clanking — the quick stops, skitters, bathroom jokes, and/or broken glass, etc. — that classic CITY ANGST, right? I love it too; but, occasionally you gotta swap out those high-rise vibes for dance music made in a HOUSE, maybe even Joel Shanahan’s house in Madison, Wisc. His newest work under the moniker Auscultation is going for chilled grooves that are extraordinarily LIGHT.

Like, take the track “Tied” for example (streaming new release S/Tbelow): at first you hear that forsaken clanking, those familiar sounds of either 1) representative urban decay or 2) some kind of alienation, or something. But then the track says “NAW FUCK THAT” and instead dives into a rainbow colored funk-fest, where that wandering sub is keeping time with only the most chill ideologies: like Taoism….(?), or, maybe Niederschlagung des Langweiligkeit (yeah!).

More realistically, Auscultation is providing some much needed “summer jams.” I like to think that I can GRILL OUT (as in grill food) to this dance music; and, to some, both summer and grilling are (not-oppressive, not-dark) fun things, where the only thing that clanks is the sound of me accidentally dropping the grill lid as I try to hand my friend a delicious “grilled thing.”

Scope the video for “Wave Rejection” by Auscultation above, and listen to the new S/T release via 1080p Collection below:

• Auscultation: https://soundcloud.com/goldendonna
• 1080p Collection: http://1080pcollection.net

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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