♫♪  Brian + Raphael - “I Hear You Calling Me”

Sentimentality is, for the most part, dismissible. Historically, it’s been used against us for either monetary or other various gains, be it in commercials and movies, or conversations and books. Sentimental music is responsible for our broken trust, too. Exploiting troubling situations for profit is disgusting, and we’ve rightly guarded ourselves from feeling the shame of subcoming to such trickery. But when profit — of any kind — is not the desired goal, what is to be made of sentimentality?

Enter Brian + Raphael ‘s cover of “I Hear You Calling Me”, a century old lament from tenor John McCormack. Their rendition employs dated computer graphics and synthesized sounds, helping to initially dehumanize the subject matter and devalue the sentimental nature, however, the track’s melancholy is only heightened and the tragedy somehow deepened. The songs subject matter undoubtedly aided in its bestseller status when it was originally released, but the subject matter, no matter how true or fabricated, could not solely be responsible for its hit status. The songwriting and musicianship are both devastatingly good, and clearly helped sell copies.

But Brian + Raphael aren’t selling their version. It is free to stream and to download. So, are they pulling at your heartstrings to get you to frequent their website(s) and gain them notoriety? I don’t think so. I think they honestly saw the beauty and tragedy in the song, and felt more people should be aware of its existence, paying homage with their specific take on it. Thanks for not taking advantage of us, guys!

• Brian + Raphael: http://brianandraphael.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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