Since Geneva Jacuzzi tells us she’s never celebrated Christmas before, it may be true that last Christmas she didn’t give us her heart. But this year, during “Another X-MAS,” to save us from tears, the princess of lo-fi synthpop gifted us — even or perhaps especially the naughty ones — with her Kate-Bush-goes-minimal-wave antics applied to holiday paranoia:
“I don’t know why, but I became obsessed with this temporary X-mas tree lot across the street from my building. I think it’s a front for some other sort of ‘shady’ operation. Or maybe I’ve been having emotional problems.”
If you thought Dali’s cards were the avant-garde’st Christmas thing, you better think again, and be prepared for a side of earworms. But what was that under the tree? Santa Claus will make you happy (in your pants) with a toy on Christmas Day!
• Geneva Jacuzzi:
More about: Geneva Jacuzzi