♫♪  Memory Leaks Onto The Rug - “downhill”

Apparent apparitions. Beguiling behavior. Captured climbs. Drunk drinks. Enticing experimentations. Filmed frames. Gilded glossia. Helpful highlights. Inclined inclinations. Jumbled jargon. Kind krust. Loitering limitations. Manic missions. Nonplus nouns. Organized organisms. Purposeful paragons. Quilted quality. Reserved recalls. Spent spectacles. Turned tourniquets. Unlimited universality. Varied variations. Waxed whispers. Xeroxed xenon. Yellow yelps. Zanny zigzags.

• Memory Leaks Onto The Rug: https://memoryleaksontotherug.bandcamp.com
• Adhesvie Sounds: https://soundcloud.com/adhesive-sounds

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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