Fucking shit is devastating on the way to work every morning reading the news, and some guy comes back to Ohio from North Korea with half a brain left. Not type of toxins or drugs found. Just no more brains left. So my ignorant, passive-aggressive ass thinks on the creative, and maybe Kim is more concerned with fringe science than anything else. Like, maybe he sent this Ohioan to “the other side/realm/dimension?” It’s totally possible they just tossed him into a pool of dark matter, to rot for a few months, giving him just a hole, handfuls of water on the hour, every hour, only a bit of room to stand — air; air — complete mess. Waste will get rid of itself? Now this brother is burnt and they’re like *shrug-emoji* “Coma pill” . But maybe fringe science. Maybe they provide brother-mans with the most explicitly pure, test-free, 24-hour high that cost them cents a day to keep him afloat. Afloat. Exactly: afloat. Life, man!

“斜め” by VRTUA is popping [in the video above] off new BEER ON THE RUG album, LOUD FORMATIONS [streaming strong below]. Be the change:

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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