Music Reviews

Kasey Anderson
Dead Roses

Kaspar T. Toeplitz
Le Depeupler (with Zbigniew Karkowski)

Kay Hoffman
Floret Silva

Keith Fullerton Whitman

Keith Fullerton Whitman
Dartmouth Street Underpass

Keren Ann

Kevin Drumm
Eruption (with Weasel Walter & Fred Lonberg-Holm)

Kevin Drumm
Land of Lurches

Kieran Hebden
The Exchange Session Volume 1 (with Steve Reid)

Kim Kashkanian
In Praise of Dreams (with Jan Garbarek and Manu Katché)

Kimya Dawson
Hidden Vagenda

Kristin Hersh
Sunny Border Blue

Langhorne Slim
When the Sun’s Gone Down

Laura Veirs
Year of Meteors

Lee Michaels
Lee Michaels

Linda Perhacs

Lisa Germano
Lullaby for Liquid Pig

Loren MazzaCane Connors
Meditations On the Ascension of Blind Joe Death Vol. 1 (with Christina Carter)

Loren MazzaCane Connors
Arborvitae (with David Grubbs)

Luciano Cilio
Dell’Universo Assente

Luigi Archetti

Luigi Archetti
Low Tide Digitals II (w/ Bo Wiget)

Luke Vibert
Lover’s Acid

Luther Gray
New Salt (with Geoff Farina and Dan Littleton)

Lydia Lunch
Smoke in the Shadows

Malcolm Palmer
Between the Womb and the Tomb

Manu Katché
In Praise of Dreams (with Jan Garbarek and Kim Kashkanian)

Marcus Fjellström
Exercises in Estrangement