Gary Hustwit Releases a Film on Helvetica Font; Consider This an Extended Love Note I Left on the Fridge Because I Don’t Want to Stay Home and Cuddle with You Tonight; But, Seriously, I’m Really Invested in “Us”

Hey Reader, Baby, Sweetheart --

The thing is: we’re busy people, you and I. I’m surprised we’re making it work. I’m glad, though. I’m glad I have you to come home to, to share things with.

Relationships are about sacrifice, baby. I hope you liked the flowers I had sent to your office today, baby. Yellow roses, baby. Your favorite.

I know you wanted it to be just us tonight, reader, but, the thing is, I have plans in five minutes just itching with prospective HOOK UPZ, drinkin’, and puppy-saving.

I’d never lie to you. You know that.

Here’s the straight story, so I can get on out and you can position yourself on the couch waiting for my return. I think Fresh Prince is on.

I won’t be gone long. I promise.


Filmmaker Gary Hustwit (his past work includes High Tech Soul and Wilco’s I Am Trying to Break Your Heart) debuted Helvetica at the South by Southwest Film Festival to a sold-out audience in March. Not his typical music documentary, Helvetica is about the omnipresent typeface. Want tickets? Check the global screening tour. Read more at this website.

I hope you loved those yellow roses, reader, baby, sweetheart, xoxo,

P.S. It’s the 50th anniversary of the typeface this year, baby. Champagne? More yellow roses?

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