David Lynch, the innovative director known primarily (only?) for his work on the video for “Rammstein” by Rammstein, is venturing out into a new world: electro-pop. Yes, the auteur whose work on “Rammstein” dazzled us (can you believe he got Hollywood megastar Bill Pullman to make an appearance?) has a pair of electro-pop singles, “Good Day Today” and “I Know,” out now via digital retailers. “Well, I hadn’t heard from Rammstein in a while, so I had a touch of time on my hands,” Lynch must’ve said. “Then I thought, by golly, why not make some electro-pop songs?” Check out “Good Day Today” here:
This isn’t Lynch’s first foray into recorded music. The Rammstein director has a long history of collaborating with composer Angelo Badalamenti (best known for 2006 Nicholas Cage opus The Wicker Man) on various projects. Recently, Lynch worked with Sparklehorse and Danger Mouse on Dark Night of the Soul, a collaborator-heavy record that went along with a book of the director’s photography. Still, the man seems to have gone all-out on this new venture, going as far as to build his own studio in which he can experiment with new sounds.
And while there’s sadly no news of a “Rammstein” follow-up, expect to see the Rammstein director behind the camera again. “You know what would be cool?” the filmmaker reportedly pondered. “A TV series about murder in a small town where nothing is quite as it seems, investigated by a quirky federal agent. Or maybe a movie about the Elephant Man.”
• David Lynch: http://www.davidlynch.com