Regis releases Play Neutral cassette from Hospital Productions 20th anniversary, Hospital Productions parties eternal

Regis releases Play Neutral cassette from Hospital Productions 20th anniversary, Hospital Productions parties eternal

Who says the only things you get from a party are washed out memories of a fleetingly awesome time?

Dominick Fernow’s label — Hospital Productions — celebrated 20 years of harsh existence at an anniversary party in NYC last November, and while the bevy of performances from label mainstays certainly justified attendance on its own, sometimes you want/need something by which you can acutely remember the experience. Sometimes you need something more than just pictures of you and your cohorts wearing funny hats in a photo booth.

And for that reason, we’re eternally grateful to Regis for choosing to supplement images of Justin Broadrick (Godflesh, Jesu) donning the fake moose antlers and pink feather boa, which are (not really) on the verge of widespread internet circulation. Regis was one among the litany of those who peformed a set for the anniversary, and yesterday, he officially released Play Neutral on tape, which is a recording of what he performed that night at the Warsaw venue in Brooklyn. (Let those of us who didn’t have the chance to attend assume it was usually beat-driven and core-rattling?)

Also, hey! There’s more than a few shirts available for purchase that commemorate the Play Neutral release. Head over to the Hospital Productions website to either purchase the tape or commit to reminding yourself of the tape every time you look in the mirror; the music could be that good, after all.

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