RIP: Dave Gregg of D.O.A. and Real McKenzies

RIP: Dave Gregg of D.O.A. and Real McKenzies

From Punknews:

It’s been reported that former D.O.A. and Real McKenzies guitarist Dave Gregg has died at the age of 54. Gregg played on the veteran Vancouver punk act’s debut full length Something Better Change and the follow up Hardcore ‘81. Along with frontman Joe Keithley, bassist Randy Rampage and drummer Chuck Biscuits he made up the most iconic version of act. He left the band in 1988, going on to play several bands including the Real McKenzies from 2005 until 2011. He appeared on McKenzies albums such as Off the Leash and Shine Not Burn.

• D.O.A.:
• The Real McKenzies:

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