The Knife try to announce live shows, but no one can tell quite what they’re saying behind those damn bird masks

The Knife try to announce live shows, but no one can tell quite what they're saying behind those damn bird masks

Listen kid, I don’t care how many Ayn Rand books you’ve read or what murky significance your willfully unconcealable tattoos have, you’re still not allowed to be individual enough to not like The Knife. Sorry. You’re a part of this society whether you like it or not, and in this society, we flip our shit every time The Knife sneezes, and we flip it HARD.

Case in point? The duo has deemed it appropriate to play two (count ‘em, two) shows this spring. Both in the same venue. In the same city. On back-to-back nights. In support (maybe) of a new album that no one has heard a lick of yet because it doesn’t come out until April 8 (April 9 in the US) via Rabid/Brille/Mute. And following up a seven-year-old dance record and a freaking Charles Darwin-themed opera. BUT HERE WE ARE, like our friends at Pitchfork, reporting the shit out of that shit anyway. So don’t you dare roll your eyes or pretend like you’ve got better things to do than pine over how much you wish you could fly out to Copenhagen this May, junior. I don’t care how many more tourdates get announced soon. Get over yourself, get with the goddamn program, and get your ass out there and start geeking out over these two shows. And for god’s sake, share this trailer for Shaking the Habitual a few dozen times while you’re at it:

05.12.13 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega
05.13.13 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega

• The Knife:
• Rabid:
• Brille:
• Mute:

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