♫♪  ∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫ - “O So You Smilin (The Cycle)”

∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫ bumpin’ OFFFFFFFFFF on a shit-snow day like today! Nothing like traveling 45 minutes to work in the worst weather only to realize your job REALLY isn’t important enough to risk you life. But that’s what my Tiny Mix Tapes writing is for: ESCAPE. And “O So You Smilin (The Cycle)” is flaying off in boss BIGGIE and Lil Kim vocals, wobble melodies, and scattering beats. This is the sort of in-between crack I enjoy falling into.

As a signature would be to “personal” identity, ∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫ is penning out a name in becoming a slow building beat guru. Shit this chill should be borderline illegal. Reefer still illegal in 48 states and “O So You Smilin (The Cycle)” is free on the internet. Believe that other worlds and dimensions are out there, listeners! Give your imagination the escape it needs. Take yourself back to when “Get Money” was released. Now, think about how ∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫ has recontextualized it from your kiddie roller skates to sitting at your computer in danger of going anywhere in this snowfall.

Time to think about priorities. Time to think about preserving yourself. Time to think about the personality of your imagination. Time to think about poppin’ “O So You Smilin (The Cycle)” by ∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫ on repeat for the next hour. Stream below, yo:

• ∫¡Gn况®£ $w∑Åt£®∫: https://soundcloud.com/signature-sweaters

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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